Embark on a colorful journey with Pikmin Bloom, an ingenious game created by Niantic Labs. This free-to-play game turns walking into an exciting adventure, thanks to the adorable Pikmin characters you collect and the real-world exploration it encourages. Pikmin Bloom is not just about fun and games; it also promotes physical activity and outdoor exploration, making it a game with a healthy twist.
Embark on a colorful journey with Pikmin Bloom, an ingenious game created by Niantic Labs. This free-to-play game turns walking into an exciting adventure, thanks to the adorable Pikmin characters you collect and the real-world exploration it encourages. Pikmin Bloom is not just about fun and games; it also promotes physical activity and outdoor exploration, making it a game with a healthy twist.
In this delightful game, you're tasked to collect over 150 unique Decor Pikmin, each with their distinct features ranging from wearing fishing lures to sporting hamburger buns. Showcasing ingenious game design, Pikmin Bloom makes every step you take count as they lead towards finding seedlings and fruits to expand your Pikmin Posse.