Embark on a hilariously engaging school adventure with Bully: Anniversary Edition by Rockstar Games. In this game, you'll step into the shoes of a playful 15-year-old, Jimmy Hopkins, maneuvering his way through the twisted social ladder of a corrupt and decaying preparatory school, Bullworth Academy. Confront bullies, endure teacher nagging, outdo jocks at dodgeball, execute pranks, and tackle the ups and downs of teenage love in a school described as the 'worst around'.
Embark on a hilariously engaging school adventure with Bully: Anniversary Edition by Rockstar Games. In this game, you'll step into the shoes of a playful 15-year-old, Jimmy Hopkins, maneuvering his way through the twisted social ladder of a corrupt and decaying preparatory school, Bullworth Academy. Confront bullies, endure teacher nagging, outdo jocks at dodgeball, execute pranks, and tackle the ups and downs of teenage love in a school described as the 'worst around'.
Breathtakingly remastered for modern displays, Bully: Anniversary Edition boasts an immersive experience like no other, with improved graphics, lighting, and textures bringing Bullworth Academy alive. The classic storyline from the famous Bully: Scholarship Edition is rendered even richer with more missions, characters, and mini-games. In addition, the game debuts multiplayer with new Friend Challenges, bringing classroom and arcade-style mini-games to head-to-head competition.